Originally from Columbus, Ohio, Kelly lived in the Northwestern US for over two decades before returning to the Midwest in 2024. She graduated with a BFA in Studio Art (photo and digital imaging emphasis) from the University of Idaho, and an MFA in Photography from the University of Montana, in Missoula and spent the majority of her non-studio/work time taking in the beautiful landscapes of Montana and beyond.
Her current work, while abstract in nature, originates with digital photographs captured on various adventures in hiking and regional road trips, which are then abstracted in Adobe Photoshop. Inspired by the colors and shapes that make up the landscape, themes of repetition pervade the work, primarily mimicking the repetition both in nature and of capturing and consuming nature around us as we do in a hurried world. 

Artist Statement
I make artwork to make sense of - to organize and understand in different, sometimes simple ways - the world around me.  I hope viewers gain new perspectives through the work and perhaps can further their enjoyment of the underseen and unknown.